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Bringing a Character to Life...or Death...

It's been a rough week for Armond the Paingiver . His barbarian rages are all but spent, he's bloodied, his nice loincloth is ruined (those stains will never come out), and with a glance, he can see the bard, lying in a pool of blood with empty heal potion bottles all around him, the wizard has climbed a tree and is down to 1 hit point and no spell slots, and the rogue? Well, she never showed up for the final battle, as she got herself locked in a rope trap hanging upside down and within spitting distance of a Roper after she split the party... never do that.  It's his turn, and the barbarian swings! His blade cuts through the air! He's so sure he's got this - he rolls a 1. Fumble. The sword goes flying out of his sweaty hands, and with a murmur under his breath of 'oh shit' and a knowledge of what's to come, that big beast the party walked in on, throws down a heavy hit smashing the last hit points out of him. He's down. He lies there, unconsci

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