Gadgets and Goblins!

Goblin Engineer, Jixx Rustfoot
Artist: S. Armstrong
One of the most enjoyable characters in my campaign would have to be the weird and unusual ones. Another great homebrew, we have Jixx Rustfoot, a urchin gobby who has learned to provide for herself by digging into the blacksmiths' garbage bins, crafting her own parts and developing some of the most interesting devices known on Emia. A true rival to any an Engineer in the Realms. Jixx revels in finding new and interesting things, bobbles and do-dads, and with nothing less than an intelligence even a wizard would not doubt, she crafts her gadgets.
Art & Concept Designs
by S. Armstrong
It is thanks to the homebrew work by J.K. Colyer over at EN World that we have this super cool new Engineer class. The detail J.K. put into the class makes it not only very interesting to dabble with, but as a friend in one of my campaigns can contest to, it's very fun to play!
So, thanks to the homebrew community for adding new and interesting classes for everyone out there that relishes in stretching the boundaries of the 5e system and giving us an inexhaustible supply of stuff to do, and characters to play! I highly recommend giving this one a try in YOUR game! Just get your DMs permission first!


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