Jacques "Thunderfist" Talbert

Color and Art by Stan Armstrong
Character Spotlight: He's a man of few words and a legacy of breaking noses in the underground fight clubs in Muldrin's Take. Jacques Talbert, otherwise known in the ring as "Thunderfist". One can only imagine the reason's why he is accredited for such a name.

Jacques is a newcomer to the campaign, but he's already a huge asset to the party. With his fighting style, The Pugilist, a new Archetype & Class design I dug up from the internet by Benjamin Huffman, 'a streetfighting class with swagger to spare'.
This bloke faces the masses and monsters in D&D 5e with his Moxie, giving him an Iron Chin, and giving those monsters the ol' one-two. This guy, weighing in at 195 lbs and a height of 6', his reach and unarmed combat makes him a fearful opponent.
Jacques is Street Smart and practices when not in the ring or striking the heart out of monsters with his shadowboxing. He knows the cities' he fights in like the back of his hand. He's a man of the sweet science, the sweet science of battle.
It won't be long before this ol' chap will become renowned and feared by all those who'd dare cross the party and his new home in the guild Torchlight.
Kudos to Benjamin Huffman for putting in the work he did on his Pugilist fighter class. It's amazing what you can find online. Jacques is a great new character and fun to roll play all those old timey fighting moves. If you get a chance, check it out!


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