A Homebrew Calendar full of Dees and Danes

Emia's 40 days 9 month Calendar
Usually, after a great catastrophic event, the world changes. On top of that, maybe you're a moon not a planet! The world of Emia is a moon of Yuthar, and much smaller than the Earth by a lot.

Creating your own calendar and months as well as holidays for your world can be a long, but rewarding experience. It helps your players as well to really feel the world they are role playing in. As a DM, it gives you massive control as well over what happens in your world instead of needing to look up the world of another. I found myself constantly researching and looking into the calendar of Faerun and became fed up with trying to keep up. It was then that I decided I wanted a whole new world, and created Emia. Shortly after I created my calendar.
What you might notice, is that it's not perfect. What is? But I quite enjoyed adding a celestial planetary event as well to my calendar and world. You'll note at the top of the wheel is what's called the Great Dee's or Yuthar's Day, which is actually two days long! On Yuthar's Day, before the beginning of the cycle again, the moon of Emia is pulled so hard by her mother planet Yuthar, that the oceans shift, making some coastlines littered in fish, and other's under water. It's a grand day of celebration and rejoice as Yuthar's long day comes to an end and another cycle begins.
Yuthar and her children Emia and Pooria, the moons of Yuthar.
As well as Yuthar's celestial event, there's the Feast of Pooria in the month of Tidesdane. During this event, most wizards, clerics, and believers of gods view the event as a kind of surge of power and many cults, both good and evil, take advantage of the event. During the 15th day of Tidesdane, Pooria and Yuthar line up, creating a very strange looking eclipse from Emia's perspective, making the event look like an eye in the sky. The Eye of Pooria is the climax of the event.
I also wanted to incorporate the idea of governments as well and their impact on the world and added a Road Tax Collections day during the month of Rorsdane.
In this calendar, and the language of Emia, Days are called Dees, and Months are called Danes. Simple little changes like this, can often bring a world to life for your players and help you as a DM to take ownership of your world, where each new encounter and location is yours to create, mould and grow along with your players. I highly recommend it!


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