Another way to RP?

Hey all! I wanted to show off a little today and share with you the genesis of the world of Emia. My brother and I get together once a week to roll play. My gift, storytelling. His gift, art! So, what do we do? We build the world of a comic series together!
Gra-Hilda of the Sha-Nok Tribe
His character that I DM for, is a super cool orcress named Gra-Hilda from the Sha-nok tribe on the Isle of Dendar.
When this character first started out on her journey she was terrified of the world beyond her little tribe  of all female orcs. As a DM, I adored this character the moment I DM'd a kobold mini encounter on a road from Zaka to Snailrock. She was with a party of npc's when the kobold darted out into the road being chased by a wolverine. While the others pulled their crossbows and swords to murder the little lizard, Gra-Hilda pulled her spear and faced off against the Wolverine, defending the kobold! She then turned on the party and demanded they stand down! Confused as you would imagine, the frozen in fear kobold just looked up at her with disillusioned eyes before he escaped, saved, back into the woods. It was such a surprising moment for me as a DM that I literally wrote a whole campaign around the kobold, giving him a name - Nubbs.

Nubbs under the protection of Gra-Hilda
I called it 'A Kobold's Plea'. Later on, down the road after a few sessions Nubbs saught out the big green savior and told her the story of the big bugbear who had infiltrated their lair with the help of some goblins and had taken most of the kobolds as slaves, as well as eating their eggs! Well, Gra-Hilda wasn't about to stand for that, and after some research on the missing river dragon that the kobold's were worshipping and that had been the catalyst for the bugbear bearing down and settling in their cave, she saved the river dragon from a wizard halfling, sunk a galleon in the process, rode the dragon to freedom after being captured and returned with some new friends to fight the big bugbear and return the lair to Nubbs, and the kobolds.
Nubbs became an important NPC to Gra-Hilda, and now goes on adventures with her with his cleric skills.
Don't ever be afraid to bring in new and interesting ideas through already known NPCs, it can really drive home the motivation for a player(s) and give you, the DM, a campaign to remember.


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